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Dr. Richard I. Morimoto is the Bill and Gayle Cook Professor of Biology and Director of the Rice Institute for Biomedical Research at Northwestern University.


He earned his B.S. from the University of Illinois at Chicago, subsequently received a Ph.D. in Biology at the laboratory of Professor Murray Rabinowitz, University of Chicago in 1978. He then conducted his postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Professor Matthew Meselson while also working as a Tutor in Biochemical Sciences at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. In 1982, Morimoto joined the faculty of the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. He has formerly served as the Chair of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology, the Dean of The Graduate School, and the Associate Provost of Graduate Education at Northwestern. He frequently gives talks at universities and symposia throughout the world, and has been a Visiting Professor at Åbo Akademi University in Finland, Beijing University, École Normale Supérieure in Paris, Kyoto University, Kyoto Sangyo University, Osaka University, University of Rome, and Technion University in Israel. He is a founder of the biotech company Proteostasis Therapeutics, Inc in Cambridge MA, which develops small molecule therapeutics to treat diseases related to protein homeostasis. 


Some of his honors include:

Fyodor Lynen Lecturer – German Society of Biochemistry
Commandeur – Ordre des Palmes Académiques, France

Fellow – Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Elected Fellow – American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Elected Fellow- American Association for the Advancement of Science
National Institutes of Health MERIT Award- NIGMS, NIA
Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa – Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland

Current Lab Members


Laura Bott

Research Assistant Professor

My research focuses on understanding the underlying mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases with the goal to identify effective strategies for treatment. My current project in the Morimoto lab aims to uncover the spatio-temporal dynamics of proteostasis capacity in healthy aging and in protein conformational diseases using C. elegans as a model system.


Renée Brielmann

As the C. elegans technician for the Morimoto lab, I perform assays such as lifespan, heat shock, and RNAi genetic screens. I train new members of the lab in C. elegans techniques and prepare the published strains you request.


Sue Fox

Laboratory Manager

I am involved on projects understanding the regulation of protein homeostasis in the context of age-associated protein-misfolding diseases. Our work aims to establish a cellular model for Alzheimer’s disease and taupothies using patient-derived neurons by direct neuronal reprogramming of dermal fibroblasts.  I am also involved in small molecule screens to identify regulators of the proteostasis network that enhance the protein folding cellular environment to prevent conformational diseases.  As laboratory manager I also oversee laboratory stocks and reagent requests.


Kaitlyn Hung

Undergraduate Researcher

Majoring in Biological Sciences

From: Seattle, WA


My project focuses on cell nonautonomous neuroendocrine signaling and its effect on proteostasis in C. elegans. Specifically, I am investigating the tissue-specificity of neurotransmitter activation of the heat shock response. 

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Ghania Imran

Research Technologist 

I will be working on C. elegans research projects in the lab. My future goal is to pursue a Ph.D. in Marine Biology after my time in Morimoto Lab.

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Kanishk Kapoor

Undergraduate Researcher

Majoring in Biological Sciences

From: Fremont, CA

My project focuses on mitochondrial proteostasis in C. elegans. I am developing new tools to investigate this process in stress and in aging.

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Lena Katzenstein

Undergraduate Researcher

Majoring in Molecular and Technical Medicine

From: Munich, Germany

I am a visiting student from Furtwangen University in Germany. My project in the Morimoto lab focuses on investigating chaperone-substrate interactions in C. elegans.

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Allison (Jeonghyun) Kim

Graduate Researcher

Majoring in Quantitative Systems Biology

My research focuses on understanding the underlying mechanisms of diseases and assessing potential therapeutic targets. As a master’s student, I will be involved in C. elegans research projects in the lab.

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Tom Labrousse

Majoring in Life Sciences

From Paris, France


​My research focuses on identifying and targeting age-regulated genes involved in human fibroblast senescence. My goal is to alter the expression of these genes and to monitor the potential effect on proteostasis and senescence dynamics.

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Wendell Li

Research Technologist



Rick Morimoto

Bill and Gayle Cook Professor of Biology





Rebecca Phend

Project Administrator, Sr.

I am the Project Administrator for the 5-year, 7-lab, 6-institution Program Project Grant, "Proteostasis in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease" awarded by the National Institute on Aging as well as the 4-year, 2-lab/institution grant, "The Metastable Subproteome: Sensor, Risk-Factor and Predictor of Healthy Aging" and 5-year 7-lab grant, "Proteostasis Rejuvenation for Healthy Human Aging" from the Hevolution Foundation.


I maintain the Proteostasis Consortium website and seminar series as well as the Morimoto Lab website. In addition, each year, I work with  co-chairs to plan the annual Midwest Stress and Molecular Chaperone Meeting (MWSM) as well as other departmental and grant-related meetings and retreats. When I'm not working on all of the above, I also manage the lab's other grants, finances, and general administration.


Alejandro (Alex) Rodriguez Gama

Postdoctoral Fellow

My research aims to interrogate how stress response against exogenous stimuli shapes proteostasis and contributes to aging. I will implement tools to control at the spatiotemporal resolution the activation of stress responses in different tissues in C. elegans to measure their impact on proteostasis and aging.

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Pedro Soares

Research Associate
with the Prof. Richard Silverman lab

My research is focused on the optimization of novel therapeutics to minimize the toxic effect of aggregates observed in neurodegenerative diseases. In the Morimoto lab using in-vitro models and a combination of biochemical and cellular biology techniques, my work aims to identify potential protein targets and the biological mode of action of small molecules with therapeutic potential for neurodegenerative disorders.  

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Xiaojing Sui

Postdoctoral Fellow

My research goal is to uncover new protein quality control mechanisms and understand how their failure contributes to protein conformational diseases including neurodegenerative diseases. I do this by using cutting-edge proteomics at a massive scale, biochemistry, and genetics to manipulate specific pathways in C. elegans.

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Tom Volpe

Senior Research Associate

The C. elegans proteostasis network is robust throughout development but rapidly diminishes immediately after the onset of egg laying. This proteostasis collapse is a programmed event triggered by the germline and involves enrichment of repressive chromatin marks at proteostasis network gene promoters. My research focuses on understanding the epigenetic regulation of proteostasis collapse as well as the nature of the germline signal that triggers it.


Anan Yu

Research Assistant Professor

I use a single-cell analysis approach to study the temporal and molecular details of proteostasis collapse in cell models of aging and protein aggregation. Currently, I am focusing on studying tau proteotoxicity using induced neurons obtained through direct neuronal reprogramming of patient-derived dermal fibroblasts.  With help from Sue and undergraduate students, we are exploring small-molecule strategies to restore proteostasis in cell model systems of protein aggregation.


Danling Zhou

Undergraduate Researcher

Majoring in: Biology

Minor:  Global Health Studies and Data Science
From: Ningbo, China


My current project focuses on purifying wild type Tau protein and various types of mutant Tau proteins. By assessing the cell permeability, subcellular localization, and stability of Tau, I hope to study its involvement in cellular activities and how it causes neurodegenerative diseases.

Meet Our Pets


Sgt. Pepper Kitty Soft Paws (SPKSP)

Person= Rebecca Phend

Sgt. Pepper Kitty Soft Paws was born in the bath tub of one of Rebecca's student workers at Kellogg in the summer of 2014. He was originally named "Pepper", but Rebecca's daughter wanted to name him "Kitty Soft Paws". Rebecca wanted to upgrade him to "Sgt. Pepper" His current name was born of the compromise.


SPKSP spends his time lounging in windows, chirping at squirrels, and has refused to learn to walk on a leash. He enjoys licking plastic bags and wine glasses and loves to greet new people at the door with loud meows and attempts to jump into their arms. 

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Person= Rebecca Phend

Zelda was adopted in Sept. 2021 from a group that busses dogs from overpopulated kill shelters in Alabama up to Chicago where eager adopters await. She's named after fellow Alabaman and notable figure of the '20s, Zelda Fitzgerald. 


No doggy DNA tests have been run, but it has been suggested that she's a mix of terrier and basset hound. Zelda has been nicknamed "The Tank" and also "The Sausage Queen of Evanston"


She enjoys long walks, sleeping on the back of the couch, and always places a toy in her food bowl when she's finished her meal. 



Person= Rick Morimoto

Visitors to the Morimoto Lab will likely see the tank of fish in the lab or the tank in Rick's office. These fish are the noble descendants of generations of Morimoto fish, brought from Rick's home. Their love is easily bought with a sprinkle of dry fish flakes and no one in the lab is exactly sure how many there are in total. 

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